Information for Developers

IONICA builds hosting infrastructure precisely according to your specifications so your application performs exactly as it was designed to.

At IONICA, we work tightly with developers and technical architects to build the very best, highest performing, and most reliable infrastructure possible. We put the ‘Ops’ in DevOps and are focused on the Agile development process, though we are equally effective in other development models.

Languages and Frameworks
We have extensive experience with many languages and platforms. Here are some key technologies:


Application Servers
Nobody knows how to tune application servers and infrastructure to your application better than IONICA. Application servers we have experience with include Apache HTTP Server (mod_php, mod_perl, mod_python) Tomcat, JBoss, and even IIS.

Cloud Platforms
We can design, deploy, and manage environments on just about any standard cloud platform as well as bare metal. Examples include Amazon AWS, Joyent, OpenStack, Eucalyptus, and CloudStack. Virtualization technologies we commonly work with include KVM, Xen, and VMware.

Unparalleled Visibility
Our application and infrastructure monitoring is among the most comprehensive in the industry, providing new levels of insight into the operation of the entire stack. We fully monitor database activity (like service status, connections, slow queries, lock contention), application health, web server and cache status, along with all the lower-level items, such as storage health, disk space, load, traffic, and much more.

Here When You Need Us
We not only design, deploy, and manage superior environments for your sites and applications, we are there to help you solve complex problems, prepare your environment for massive scale / high traffic, security standards compliance, and tough-as-nails stability. We are there to provide support for your environment 24/7/365. We can even perform your code deployments for you.