Dedicated Physical Servers

Need a lot more muscle? IONICA offers a truly full range of options for those with high compute, I/O, memory, and high concurrent packet requirements.
Our dedicated servers are all enterprise-grade, dual-CPU, rack-mounted machines with local RAID 5 storage, and — like all IONICA solutions — can be completely customised to your business needs.
CPU options include dual six core Intel all the way to fire-breathing dual 18 core IBM POWER9 processors.
64 GB – 2 TB of memory per node available.

Ideal applications for dedicated servers:

    • Database clusters with large data-sets and/or very high numbers of concurrent or complex queries — “big data.”
    • Analytics operations with large amounts of data or significant data manipulation work.
    • Elastic Search clusters
    • Advertising technology platforms
    • Load balancers managing highly transactional applications — like ad-tech or social media.
    • Artificial intelligence


All dedicated servers are installed and configured precisely to your business needs by IONICA’s expert engineers. Dedicated network equipment is also available to support your environment.
Combine your physical machines with our IONICA’s cloud to get a flexible, highly scalable, cost effective hybrid solution for all conditions.