When we say “fully managed,” we mean it. IONICA handles everything with regard to web infrastructure.
The Best Hardware
As many cores as you want, solid state drives, gigabit LAN and Internet connections. It’s all available here, designed and built exactly according to your needs.
Performance Tuning
Need to be crazy-fast? Web site performance is directly tied to online business performance. We dig deep to uncover exactly what’s going on with your sites, find bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and identify which of the many tools out there are right for your use case to make it unbelievably fast.
The Most Comprehensive Monitoring Anywhere
We monitor *everything* in our clients’ environments. You’ll be able to rest assured your sites and applications are fully functional and fast all the time . . . and if there is ever a problem, we’ll know about it and respond instantly before you do.
24/7/365 Incident Response
Expert engineers are available instantly 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. No call centres, no junior front-line staff. When you need to talk to someone about your set-up, you’ll get connected with one of the brightest minds in the industry immediately.
High Availability
IONICA-built environments are made to withstand huge traffic, hardware, service, network, and even data centre failure. We cluster everything as a matter of course and build disaster recovery environments for many of our clients. Need your site to stay up through an earthquake? We can do that, really.
Infrastructure Architecture
We’ve designed and built hosting environments for some of the worlds best known brands and most critical environments. We’ll work closely with your business and development staff as one team to design and build the environment precisely according to your business needs and software design.
Provisioning and Orchestration
We employ industry-standard tools, as well as our own, to rapidly deploy, update, upgrade, and manage resources.
Code Build and Deployment
Deploys ruining your day (and night)? We take the pain out of code deployments by replacing time consuming, disruptive, error prone manual procedures with complete automation. In most cases, all your code can be deployed to your entire platform with zero down-time or interruption to your end-users. So deploys can be done and tested in the middle of the day without stress or late night maintenance windows.
Security Auditing
Whether you need to be compliant with PCI-DSS, PII, HIPAA, SoX, or internal standards, IONICA provides comprehensive security auditing, analysis, and consulting to bring your products into compliance.
Load and Performance Testing
The only way to really know if your site will stay up for that new product release or media buy is to test it. Our experienced engineers will work with you and your developers to build and execute the most accurate load and performance testing possible for the assurance you need.
Any Hosting Platform, Anywhere
Rented, co-located, Amazon AWS, Rackspace, Digital Ocean, virtual/cloud, physical, “containerized,” or on our own mind-blowing metal; we’ll design, build, monitor, and manage your environment on any platform, anywhere in the world.
Firewalls and VPNS
Whether you need/prefer local or perimeter firewalls, or AWS security groups, we can set it up and make it air-tight. We can also set up highly secure dual-factor dial up or point-to-point VPN tunnels to safely connect your staff to the servers from your office or anywhere.
Languages And Frameworks
We have extensive experience with many languages and platforms. Here are some key technologies:
PHP Java Python Ruby Perl Symfony Umbraco |
Drupal Sitecore Laravel ATG Wordpress Django Joomla |
There’s more
We really do everything when it comes to web site and Internet application infrastructure. There’s way too much to list it all here. Give us a call to ask questions or take a deep dive on your particular set-up and needs.